Saturday, July 13, 2013

Melece Meservy's Homecoming Story!!

Okay girls, get ready for this story because Melece is a trooper! 
Can you imagine your man coming home and not being in the same country??
She's amazing and this story will truly melt your heart!
Congrats Melece!
We sincerely wish you all the best :)

  • "Peter and I met our Freshman year at BYU-H. His home is Seattle, Washington, and mine is somewhat unestablished as my parents live overseas as American Diplomats. Because of this, our reunion was not as simple as I'd wish .
    He came home June 25th. At this point I was staying in Vienna, Austria with my parents. Thanks to the 9 hour time difference, it was 10pm my time by the time I saw his sister's "He's home!!" status on Facebook. I refreshed my page at least a hundred times that night, and when I finally fell asleep, I woke 4 or 5 times during the night just to check some more.
    Around 5am my time, I saw he had posted a status, which I liked, and almost immediately got a Skype request in response. I was still in bed, smooshed face, bed head, PJs and all, and he hadn't slept in over 38 hours, but it was amazing. We spent most of that first call just grinning at each other like complete goons.
    Time difference made it a total nightmare for me to get to talk to him. I'd stay up super late, and wake up very early just so we could Skype. That's how I knew I was still in love - it was totally worth it to me. teehee.
    As I live in Hawaii, not Seattle like Peter does, I wasn't going to be able to actually see him until he came back for Fall semester, until... my dad booked my flight back home with a 7 hour layover in Seattle! (Bless his soul).
    Peter was there waiting for me at the airport. I was seriously shaking all over when I saw him. I hugged him and wouldn't let go. He asked how my flight was but I couldn't speak for a good 5 minutes, which I think thoroughly amused him. 
    We drove over to a little park, set up a blanket under a tree and just sat and laughed and cuddled and talked for 6 hours. It was pure bliss. Even the moments where we didn't say anything were just amazing, because it felt sooo good to have him back. I had all these fears that we wouldn't have anything to talk about, or it would be awkward, or I would no longer feel something for him, but all those fears turned out to be completely unfounded in reality.

    We were cuddly, but he totally hadn't kissed me yet, and as we were getting down to the last ten minutes before I needed to go, I finally just demanded, "are you going to kiss me or what???" A girl can only be patient so long. 
    Ultimately, the two year wait for a kiss from my missionary was so incredibly worth it.

    Now the countdown carries on. 51 days until he's back in Hawaii with me, and then we never have to be apart again. 

    I'm so grateful for you ladies in this group getting me through these 2 years. I have made such great friendships, and have been loved and supported as if by sisters. I am eternally grateful, and will definitely keep you all updated in our story as it comes. "


Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Final Countdown

      1. Emily Smith - October 2013
      2. Bryton Auker- November 16, 2013
      3. Ileana Pria- November 18, 2013
      4. Rachel Ponath - December 3, 2013
      5. Kathryn Gillespie- December 2013
      6. Valentina Pizano - December, 2013
      7. Paulina Sanchez- January 4, 2014
      8. Aleigh Joy Mellinger- Januray 11,2014
      9. Lauren Alexandra Brightman- January 2014
      10. Mckaila Andersen- February 22, 2014 
      11. Brianna Price- February 2014
      12. Caro Fernandez- February 2014
      13. Stephanie Bailey - March 4, 2014
      14. Scarlett Gutierrez- March 31, 2014
      15. MaKayla Biggs- May 2, 2014
      16. Alix Pritchard- May 2014
      17. Courtney Cook- May 2014
      18. NiKayla Wride- June 27, 2014
      19. Ashley Rowe- August 2014
      20. Amanda Stokes - August 22, 2014
      21. April Saenz- September 19, 2014
      22. Samantha Stanley- September 2014
      23. Hannah Clarke - September 20, 2014
      24. Jennifer Hedelius - September 24, 2014
      25. Jocelyn Jones- October 10, 2014
      26. Julie Windsor - October 2014
      27. LeeZa Jolie - November 2014
      28. Maggey Taylor - November 7, 2014
      29. Jacqui Burt - November 3, 2014
      30. Ashleen Marie - November 14, 2o14
      31. Kayla Krug - November 28, 2014
      32. Christa Beazer - February 8, 2014
      33. Carly Upton - December 2014
      34. MaKayla Biggs - December 12, 2014
      35. Alison Wiltbank - January 2015
      36. Zandi Chamberlain - January 2015
      37. Emily McLaughlin - February 9, 2015
      38. Emma McLaughlin - February 2015
      39. Scarlett Gutierrez - February 2015
      40. Tayla Harmon- February 2015
      41. Kenzee Barker - March 2015
      42. Sydnie Lynn Balch - March 2015
      43. Megan Torgerson - March 2015
      44. Melissa Santana - March 2015
      45. Hayley Ann Hardy - March 2015
      46. Priscila Santana Takasaki - April 2015
      47. Jeizzell Alvarado Espitia - April 2, 2015
      48. Taylor Eaton April 20, 2015
      49. Maria Theresa Guillen - June 21, 2015
      50. Lindsay Schwab - June 2015
      51. Erinn Mercedes Evans - July 2015
      52. Gloria Harvley - August 2015

      Friday, February 1, 2013

      Hilary has her RM!

      Hilary Hunt's Missionary came home January 23, 2013! This is directly from her blog post in case you missed reading the story, or if you are just in the mode to hear about another happy ending to a long two years! They do come home ladies! We are so happy for you Hilary! (:

      so happy. the only way i can describe how i am feeling is SOOO HAAAPPPYYY. overwhelmingly happy.
      my dallin came home from his honorable 2 year mission in Nashville Tennessee yesterday, january 23rd.
      the bestie tayler and my mom took pictures at the airport for me, so his family and i could have our hands empty!
       tayler slept over with me the night before, i couldn't sleep OBVIOUSLY, so we stayed up to watch gossip girl and paint nails. and i had to nervous clean haha. thats just what i do! she fell asleep and i laid there aalll night. way too excited. we got up and got ready and left way early, which happened to be the best time to get there :) plus his flight was 13 minutes early! and we enjoyed some kevas on the way :)
      getting to the airport it got even more real. i think that i kind of didn't believe that all this good luck was happening to me? we pulled up to the airport and i thought my hands couldn't shake any harder haha :) and then they did!

      thank goodness for these things. they slowed me down! otherwise i would have been running :) but we hopped on and took our time :)

      nashville: landed!!!! scream

      his cute mom :) couldn't stop crying of excitement long enough for a picture :)

      too excited

      here he comes!!!

      ps there was a TON of missionaries at the airport! every time we saw suit pants get on the escalator we screamed and then as they came down and their head came into view, sighed. until: :)
      hugging mom

      hugging grandma sharp

      literally trying to hold myself together. thought my heart was going to explode

      having to stop hugging: the worst!

      mom again :)

      ah the excitement

      grandma sharp

      his dad :)
      my mom :)

      best handshake ever :)

      on the moving sidewalk :)

      seriously so excited


      how cute is this. his mom rented this freeway sign

      we got home at about 11:30, and he wasn't getting released until 5:30!! longest hours EVER. for everyone. dallin and i did figure out what to do though. high fives! we couldn't have any games or movies or music going while he was still an elder, and really couldn't do much else! everyone was too anxious to eat. so we sat and stared at him! thats when all this notsleepingallweek thing kicked in haha. exhausted! when it was time to get released, we met with his stake president who had a nice chat and lots of lovely things to say, and  then released him with an amazing blessing. dallin took off his tags, and we got in the car. 
      and guess what. we held hands! i have been waiting for 2 years to do that!! you can guess what happened next :)
      we went home to change out of church clothes and went to dinner with his family! then all watched avengers. it was such an amazing day! i am so thankful for all that he has done these past two years! 
      but i am so so happy to have him home! and things are absolutely wonderful. its like he never left, but better.

      on the way to dinner with the family

      cute sign my family made for our house!

      the ending to such a perfect day! and can't wait to have a million more! i went to bed last night with a good night text, and woke up this morning to a good morning text!! i am in heaven. i've missed him so much. its so good to have him here :)

      so happy and so in love.