Monday, December 17, 2012

Two Years Later and Sheilani's Man is HOME!

We had Miss Kendahl giving us these little updates the evening of his return...

I'm skyping with Shelani Sheilani Combe and she is waiting for the CALL!!!! He is home and getting released as we speak *literally* ahhhhhh

Sheilani Combe just got a call from him and is at his house now :) got get him girl ;)

Sheilani Combe got to see him and hear stories about his mission all night long! More details from her will be coming :)

Thanks for all of the little updates Kendahl! Then this week we heard the story from Sheilani!! We are so happy she was reunited with her missionary Jeremy at last! Congratulations Sheilani!! This is what she said...

He's Home. :) So happy. First part is the first day. Second part is the Homecoming. Sorry so long!

He came home at 2. His mom sent me pictures of the airport. I was dying. Haha. The next 6 hours couldn't come fast enough.
His mom told me he'd be released between 7 or 8. 7 came, 8 came, no call. Kendahl Heffron was a lifesaver and skyped me just as I was about to have a heart attack. Finally I decided to drive over there to a friends who lived 2 houses down and wait for the call. About 7 minutes away from his house, he called me. His first words, Spanish. Didn't understand a word. But then we talked a bit and I told him I would be there soon. I sat in the car when I got there for about 2 minutes breathing in and out because I was literally going crazy. I walked to the door slowly... you think I would have been running, but I just couldn't even move hardly. Anyway I rang the doorbell and heard the door opening. My heart was beating so fast. He st
epped out with a huge smile and that's when it happened. I just broke down, girls. haha. I just stood there for a moment and cried! Oh my gosh, good first impression after 2 years! haha. But the next thing I knew I was in his arms for what seemed forever, but not long enough. He was in tears and so was I. All the way down the stairs he had his arms around me. When we got down he sat so close that I just kept staring at him talking about his mission stories and thinking, "this isn't real. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and realize this is a sick dream haha" but it was real. And he was there. And he was beautiful! Oh my gosh I just wanted him to wrap me up and never ever let go... but I understand that wouldn't be possible.

Anyway his homecoming was today. He did SO AMAZING. When the crowds died down we sat down and he put his arm around me and we just talked. About everything. In the quiet he whispered he loved me and wanted to be with me. He asked me if I wanted to be with him to which I could only respond "Forever." He teared up and hugged me tight. He told me about his first week in the MTC when a speaker asked who all HAS girlfriends and then asked who all HAD a girlfriend. He said there were so many that had already been written off. But he said even with that and all the others who said he would receive a wedding announcement in the first 6 months, he just thought to himself "You don't know her like I do." And he pushed through. Awh I just love him so eternally much. I can't wait to see him again. It is all worth it girls. I know everyone says that, because it is true! Keep smiling and living your dream. He will return! It will all be okay :)

A lil Update on Alex! They're ENGAGED!

Alex Barret says...

My RM came back in October. We got to see each other the day 
after he got released. Our first kiss was perfect we didn't want to have our parents be there with our first kiss so he and I went up to my room and had our first kiss it was perfect my fiancé is amazing I love him we've change a lot but he and I still work together perfectly :) He was a brave soul and proposed on nov 5th at the airport just as I was about to leave we just called the temple and our set for our sealing at 11am on April 27th 2013 we are excited and ready. If you want more of the juicy details.;) love you girls it does pay to wait our first hug was unbelievable and very comforting I loved it :)

We are super happy for her and cant wait to hear more! Congratulations Alex!

Monday, August 6, 2012

A little lovin' for Sarah!

Sarah got an AWESOME surprise after work-I will let her tell you the story! Congrats to Sarah :)
Ok so it all started Thursday after work. I was driving home and about 2 min away from home when I got a phone call. At first I thought it was a girl from work but no it was my missionary's mom. (for all that don't know I made a countdown paper chain so keep that in mind) she started talking to me and was like "you know the paper chain .... You should take it down" I started freakin out. I thought great he has to stay later because of the Ebola virus scare. She was like noo put it together take the chain alllll the way down... I paused and then it hit me... I started balling. She just said yes he is in the car right now it's going to be late when we finally get home so you better come tomorrow. I just kept crying and she just said ok you better calm down because I don't want you to crash before you even see him. I whimpered ok and hung up well I continued to cry and when I got home my mon thought something really bad happened and almost had a heart attack. I calmed myself and then her down and explained what was going on. She was confused why he came home early but when I explained why she was relieved and asked when I would see him I told her tomorrow. So after that happened I couldn't fall asleep even though I really wanted to it was agonizing. So by about 2AM I fell asleep and woke up at 6:30 and couldn't fall asleep so I went and watched the Olympics well right when I was about to take a shower and get ready my phone rang.... It rang with a special ringtone that only one person has.... IT WAS HIM!!!!! He said where are you we thought you were going to be busting down our doors at 8AM. I laughed and said no I wanted to give your family some time to be with each other before I came over. He laughed and said well get your butt down here now! And ha I did :) I had to sing to music the whole drive because my stomach was so full of butterflies that I needed something to get my mind off it.... Didn't work when I was parked in front of his house. I slowly get out of my car and start walking towards the house ... I heard the screen door open from the side of his house and I just started hyperventilating ... I finally see him and I started crying one because my best friend is finally home.... And two he ha roses for me... Man I knew there was somethig extra special about him :) :) so I finally walk over and we just hugged for like 5 min with me still crying. (this year has been a hard one with the death of my nephew do I have been a horrible wreck so seeing him me a crying mess in a good way) anywho I look up and his brother is looking out the window at the "scene" haha I was a little embarrassed because he was giving a play by play to his mom who was grocery shopping :) 

Man girls I love this man do much I have never had a best friend before until he came along he is amazing :) it was almost like he had never left we just picked it up where we left off it was amazing he held my hand and hugged me and ... Pause for dramatic effect..... He kissed me! Haha I nearly explode with happiness :) after that we went on our first date :) it was great we went to a movie with all his brothers and their girls it was awesome . Afterwards he was nervous of me going home late so he had me stay at his house and he slept at his friends. It was ok with the parents so I did. We texted each other until I passed out then next thing I know he is holding my had and it's morning :) we watched Saturday morning cartoons together an then we both had to go so we said our good byes 

Then I went to church with him which was great :) and I spent the whole day with him and may have fallen asleep In his arms ;) haha I was tired ok? :) he told me later that he missed that because apparently I fall asleep in his arms a lot haha. Anywho we had a great time together and now I am just about to get ready and he is coming to my house to see my family :) can't wait :)

Jeni's man returns!

After many months of exchanging letters, photos, and the occasional video Jeni was FINALLY able to see the man behind the name tag in person!!!!! :D Here is the story we've all been waiting for! Congrats to Jeni and Kevin!

Ok so some background info about my amazing missionary. Kevin and I never dated before his mission, right before he left he asked me to write him and I was like yeah sure what ever no big deal I'll write him when I get a chance. That was July of 2010 and January of this year I suddenly had the feeling that I really needed to write him and I had no idea why. I brushed it off for a few weeks. Finally I listened to the prompting and wrote him. I had no idea what to say but I just wrote a totally random letter. I'd heard from his friends that I probably wouldn't hear back for a month or two. Well about 2 weeks later I heard back from him :) Ever since then we wrote back and forth :) While he was serving I lost my dad and he seriously worte me the best letter I could have wished for. I was bawling before I could even get through the first paragraph. Any ways so we eventually started emailing and writing and I started sending mini movies. We had so much fun writing and emailing and just getting to know each other :)
He came home on Tuesday and in my last email from him he said he'd call Tuesday night to let me know he was home. We didn't plan on seeing each other the first night so he could have some time with his family. I never got my phone call on Tuesday night but he did email me and told me that he would call me on Wednesday and that he wanted to see me that night as well. Around 9:30 last night I kinda gave up on him calling me and 15 mins later he did!!!!! We talked for about 20 mins and i couldn't stop smiling. It was amazing!! We flirted a bit and just had an awesome conversation. :)
Thursday - Ahhhh it was awkward but so great! I got like 5 hugs and we talked for about 2 hours!! He even passed my puppy who growls and barks at every guy that walks in our house! He said he felt really awkward cause it was his first time alone with a girl in 2 years. We talked about so much and AH it was great! My mom even made the comment I hope you'll come back again and his response was definetely! AHHH I can't wait!!! I'm floating on cloud 9 tonight :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Guess what Kendahl-HE IS HOME!

Two years later here they are! Kendahl and Nate are together once again!
Elder Schott got home on July 18, 2012 after serving in the San Antonio, Texas mission. 
He flew in at 12:50 p.m. and was greeted by his family at the airport!
Got released at 7 and became Nate again.

Kendahl's story went a little like this-fasten your seat is going to be a long ride! :D

July 18, 2012
Alright so as most of you know no contact was made from the mish on the day of his return, I won’t lie that hit me REALLY hard. I would say I only half expected him to show up after he got released-thanks to the constant reminder from my mother who “assured” me he would. Well 7 came and nothing. 8 rolled around and still nothing. About 8:30 I gave up and watched a tv show. I will admit waiting to see him AFTER he is home is probably the hardest time I have had the whole two years he has been out! I headed to be at 9:30 and could not get to sleep.
July 19, 2012
Woke up every hour during the night I swear to check my phone (why I have no idea but I thought MAYBE he would have texted me) Ya no. Instead I just lost sleep haha. Then came killing the day trying to occupy myself. Went for an hour run which was awesome-gave me time to clear my head J Then I went and saw my grandma (painted her nails-good time killer!) Then I texted my friend who was actually due today so we’ve both been counting down, only my guy came home and no baby for her-but I still hadn’t seen him so we were both still anxious. I went over to her house and we sat and chatted as I did puzzles with one of her kids. Then we decided we’d not mope around all day and get out and do something. McDonald’s it is lol. Happy Meals for lunch and then we went bowling! I beat all her kids (Ya sure they may be 7,5, and 3 but it helped make me feel better lol) then we got back and we were sitting around chatting I get a text from his dad. BUT NO it is Nate asking me to come over for dinner :D I cried. HAHA!!! I waited a few minutes to respond (just because I didn’t want him to think I was waiting around with my phone attached to my hip-although I totally was haha) So in the meantime I texted my mom to see if it was ok if I go-her response “no you can’t I already made plans for us” I cried harder!!! So I collected myself and called her-I told her she better be kidding. She said she was-PHEW! Then I headed out to go home and get ready (this was at 3:30)…on my walk home I got a phone call from a random number-of course I had to answer it lol and YES IT WAS HIM :D He wanted to give me his number and ask me how my day was, he teased me about beating little kids (it was a bit weird but it was awesome to talk to him) Then I hurried home and jumped into the shower, changed and got ready. Picked my mom up at 4:30  then headed home, dropped her off then headed to his house
So I had thought maybe I should text him to let him know I was coming, but then I thought-eh I’ll surprise him. I pulled up and there is a lot of family in town so I parked a bit away. Walked up to the house. Knocked. Nothing. Rang the door bell. Still nothing. I thought maybe this was all a joke. I texted him to come open the door. Then I realized there was an open spot for my car so I run back and move it (figuring I would miss our moment because he would have walked outside) Yup still nothing. So here I am freaking out lol and I knock again…nothing. Finally I text his dad. Then about a min later (that waiting is the WORST) The door opens-it is his little sister who jumps into my arms as I see him walking down the stairs (not how I dreamed that moment would go lol) But then he came and gave me MY HUG :D AHHHH I was in heaven, I’ve missed those comforting arms around me! Then we went outside to the back patio where we sat and talked for HOURS with his family about stories from his mission. We started out sitting across from each other and I would catch him glancing at me and I couldn’t help but smile. Then at dinner time his dad gave me a cream soda…I had been drinking it and then went inside to help his bro out with something and I look outside and he has it (I wasn’t even mad ladies I was like HECK YES we are still good-baha) I get back and asked him if he took mine-he denied it with his smirk. I go to grab it and it is EMPTY that little stink drank it all!!!  Then he took the seat close to me..we still had the whole complete gospel doctrine between us lol. And we stayed like that until he left with his dad to go visit with our old Bishop. I got up to leave and they said to stay and they would be back soon. OK :)  So I sat and talked with his family! Then he got back and the grandparents and his siblings went to bed so his dad, mom, him, and I moved into the living room with couches. That was weird lol we haven’t sat there since we were a “lovey dovey” couple lol. So here we sit on our own couch cushion-which I am fine with since he needs to adjust. He told a few more stories, got a little closer to me and then we decided it was late and bed time was in order. So I started to walk out, he didn’t have his shoes on yet and goes “hey wait for me”-which was so ironic lol. So I did ;) And then he walked me to my car with his arm around me, thanked me for coming tonight and said how beautiful I looked (I think I couldn’t stop staring at him up close I wasn’t hearing much he was saying haha!) We stood there and talked for a few minutes, it was just like old times. He teased me about my height (by the way his first comment when he saw our picture was “man you look like you could be my little sister!” –ya that is EXACTLY what the girlfriend who waited two years wants to hear lol) He gave me a nice long hug. Then as he walked to the opposite side of me he grabbed my hand-pretty sure sparks flew or was that lightning…eh same diff (that is a BIG deal for us if you read my previous story lol) So I drove home with a BIG smile on my face! I got home and I texted him to say I was home and he said I love you and then we chatted about our scripture reading for tonight which was awesome to have him back to do that with J Then he asked what I was thinking about-I told him his smirk. I asked him and he said how beautiful you looked tonight :D I’m happy, it definitely isn’t the fairy tale ending I’d created in my mind, but it is our own version of our fairy tale! 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Joy for Jocelyn! July 3, 2012

So this is the LITTLE bit of deets that we have gotten from the lovely Jocelyn about her and her man ;)

"i love you all!! I am dead tired... so I will post more soon :) But as for the quick details haha... burnt myself with my curl iron today i had a fantastic burn on my cheek at the airport, he thought it was a freckle haha. Got the best hand shake of a life time ( he put his other hand on top so it was so cute kinda like holding hands ;)) And he told me he loved me a million times. I head to his house tomorrow afternoon and we will see how things go! He did tell me sorry that he couldn't give me a kiss at the airport... haha i think tomorrow will be fantastic. I will post my story ASAP after I learn to breathe again. Overall... FANTASTIC and ladies... they do come home! Love you!!"

And then a little bit later we managed to squeeze this from her-
"haha sorry i am at his house with family all this week! I will post my official story on Monday. Things are good though, he is really different but we are slowly getting back to normal. But were still in love... and I am totally in the 24 hr club haha."

Oo la la Jocelyn ;) We can't wait to hear the rest :D

Monday, June 11, 2012

Bri & Amanda

Ok children!!  Gather ‘round for story time!! :D

I guess the tradition is to start out with a background story!  SO!  Here I go…

I met Brian at a stake dance the summer of 2008.  We became such great friends over the next few months, and even though we were both dating other people, we felt a connection that was hard to explain.  We talked practically every day.  His family owns carwash that’s like a block away from my house, so after schools most days I would stop and talk to him while he was working!  We started dating in October that year.  It was on Halloween, and I went to the carwash before we both went to parties that night.  He was hugging me good bye, kissed my neck (so I kissed his neck back), then it happened!  THE MOST PERFECT FIRST KISS of my whole life!!  We were crazy about each other and shared many laughs, tears, milk shakes, and colds ;)  We had some problems with our families.  His parents thought I was holding him back and making it harder for him to leave on his mission.  My parents thought I would never make it two years and would Dear John him before the first year was up.  However, Brian and I KNEW we would make it to the end.  We always kept in mind that it might not work out when he got home, but I would still be available in case it does! 

First off I have to start this story of Amanda and Brian off with her first comment after meeting him for the FIRST time in TWO years!
It went something like this: He is perfect!! We are so in love! We don't kiss and tell though... At least not for tonight ;) the full detailed story will come soon :) but as for now, I have a boyfriend to dream about! :) :) :)

Now on to the story:

On June 2, 2010, Elder Brian Penrod entered the MTC.  Three weeks later he started his journey in the Dominican Republic, Santiago Mission!  He LOVED it there and had so many amazing experiences!  We sent emails to each other each week, and letters as often as possible!  There were a few hard times during the two years where things got rocky.  I wasn’t sure what would happen, but we pulled through.  We grew stronger together!  While he was away, I grew to be a strong, independent woman.  I dated a few guys and I’m so glad I did!  I learned what was really important to me and what I really wanted and needed in my future eternal companion.  I learned how to sew and cook (that boy wont be hungry when we get married haha.  I’m AMAZING at following recipes now!! LOL).  I lived for MYSELF and grew so much.  I focused on finishing up my degree and working to save up some money.  BUT the most important thing I did while he was away was develop a strong relationship with my Father in Heaven.  My testimony has grown, and I feel prepared for anything life has to offer.  Bring it on world haha!!

June 7, 2012 :D  He’s home!!!  I went on a church history tour with my parents and little brother for a week.  We visited a lot of sites in the eastern states (Winter Quarters, the John Johnson Farm, the Sacred Grove, Hill Cumorah, the Kirtland Temple, etc).  Experience of a lifetime!  I felt really bad that I would miss him coming home and his homecoming talk on Sunday, but I decided it would be good to be away and give him family time.  I was on the bus on Thursday, checking my phone literally every 10 seconds!!  Finally, there was a text from his mom, with a picture….!!!  I opened it, smiled, and then instantly burst into tears!  But they weren’t the cute model type tears.  They were the kind where your face gets all nasty and wrinkled and you can’t breathe so you sit there and sound like a pig gasping for air.  Yup!  Everyone thought I had gone mad haha.  We texted back and for a little bit (and I mean LITTLE) for a few days, and then finally talked on the phone on Sunday night.  I flew home on Monday (June 11), got all cute and smelling good, went to my night class, and then headed over to his house!  I walked in the door and saw him standing there and about died!  Our first meeting up story is a little different.  His family had just gotten into an argument right before I showed up, so things were a bit tense.  However, he was there and I was with him.  It made everything better!  We ate dinner and talked and laughed and messed around and flirted and it was just perfect!  Then we went to my house so he could talk to my dad.  They have always been pretty close, so we went to visit for a bit.  After that we went to the pond near my house and talked.  We talked about everything that had gone on over the last 24 months, and things we were looking forward too.  It was so natural to be with him!  Honestly, in that moment, I felt as if he had never left.  Um also… 3 hour club!! ;)  He’s still got it haha

Being in a foreign land for two years has done wonders for that man.  He definitely left a boy and came home a man.  There are so many things that have changed about him, and each of them I love!  He is so sweet and romantic :)  Oh my gosh, I can’t even tell you how amazing it is to have him home.  I never thought I would see the day that I would be writing our story, but it’s here!!  Someone once said this and I loved it so much that I’m going to repeat it.  He doesn’t complete me.  He complements me.  I wouldn’t change the last two years for anything.  We are better together now.  It’s going to be so great to go to bed not wanting to cry myself to sleep!!  We are still crazy, head over heals in love.  It is so worth it!  BEYOND worth it!!  I don’t know what the future has in store for us, but as of right now we are content and happy and excited to see where the wind takes us :)

Congrats to Amanda & Brian-we love you Amanda and can't wait to see what happens next ;)

Friday, June 1, 2012


So it started a little like this:
"Um.... TOMORROW! At 1:15 pm he will be walking off that airplane and getting his luggage and seeing his family and.... Ahhhhhhh! :) :)"
Then it turned into this:
"14 hours and 42 minutes... But who's counting? ;)" [oh she totally was ;)]
Then it was THIS:
"GIRLS!! He lands in approximately 20 minutes!!! I am having a heart attack at this very moment... AHH! :) :) :) :)"
Oh with this photo once he landed :)
I know I know, I'm posting a lot... BUT HIS FLIGHT LANDED! (his flight originated in Des Moines but they picked him up in Minneapolis) :

He is home in Utah Allison!!! Congrats on making it through the crazy two years-we are all rooting for you and can't wait to hear all about it :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Britni-girlie you made it :) Two years seem like they have come and gone! :D In just a few short weeks you will be able to see your boy face to face (Can't wait to hear the details!!!) Congrats Britni!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Haley gets her man back!

From the words of Haley:  "Worth the wait :)"
Haley got to meet her RM outside of a restaurant (secret plan devised by his mom, clever lady!) and then got the hug she had been waiting two years for! Congrats Haley on getting your man back! :D

Here is the link to the youtube video she made of his homecoming! Enjoy! *caution-tissues may be needed because crying has been known to happen!*

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Shout out to Haley!!!!

Haley is getting her man back today!!!! WOOT WOOT! Can't wait to hear the story and maybe even get treated with a video ;) Good luck today Haley!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Best feeling ever!"

"Best feeling ever"-Sausha got to be in her man's arms again on May 3 :) From all the girls waiting on a missionary-CONGRATS :) Hope to hear the story here soon! ;)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Welcome home!

Linsey Huffman welcomes her missionary home today :) Congrats and hopefully we get to hear the story soon! :)

Reunited at last :)

Okay friends here's the update on Seantay and I. Sorry it took me so long.. I got back from my trip on Saturday and completely exhausted and jet lagged drove up to see her as soon as I could. It was PERFECT! We quite literally picked up exactly where we left off. We're both still adjusting of course to the whole romance thing after our missions, but we are so in Love! I honestly feel so so blessed right now. Sooooooo Keep it up people - the wait is more than worth it =) I couldn't be happier!!!

The long awaited hug :) Congrats to Matt and Seantay :) We've loved hearing your story and getting to know you! Thanks for all your insights Matt and we look forward to hearing good things in the future! ;)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Alright ladies and gents...drum roll please!!! Guess who is back in the states? Sister Seantay Fleming!!! WOOHOO! Matt Hall your missionary has returned! Now get back to Utah so you can be reunited with her and all of us can hear the awesome story! Congrats on finishing the journey of waiting not ONE but TWO missions! We all wish you two the best of luck :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shout out time!

Heya ladies! We want to give a shout out to Emily Sudweeks! Her missionary gets back today! It is so exciting to have you ladies get your friends back, whether after the two years they are still your boyfriend or you sent them out as just a friend its awesome to have your friend back :) Congrats Emily for being such a great support to him while he was out serving the Lord :)