Sunday, September 18, 2011

Congrats to Lesha and KJ

Hey all! Here is Lesha and KJ's story! Read it and enjoy!

Well I guess it is story time!!! Once upon a time there was a little 14 year old lesha who liked to flirt, my young women leaders little brother came and visited. I told him he couldn't forget my name and we had to be friends. Years went by he would visit at church and then one day me being the geinus i am stopped his nephews and said... "tell your uncle KJ I am cooler then him!" from that moment on we talked every day! I knew he was going on his mission from the start and told him I wouldn't wait, that was until a month before he left I had a break down and told him i was waiting! Two years and 5 days later I fell even more in love with him!
It was acward but not for the reasons you would think! We wanted to hug each other and talk but his mom was watching us like a hawk! So we shook hands and then when we were leaving I then told him I would see him when he was released. He landed at 11:50 am and was suppose to be released at 7:30 pm. I waited around for my phone call to come over and give him a big hug instead I got a text, sorry babe the stake president hasn't showed up yet. about an hour goes by and I get a phone call from him. They aren't realeasing me untill 10 I said that was ok could i still come over and he told me he thought it would be better to if I came over the next day because he was super duper tired! I was sad yes but I told him it was ok.
the next day I had work till 3, then I went wedding dress shopping with my friend, and then to a meeting at church, then I was able to drive over there. I was so nervous, I got to his house and right as i got out of the car the door opened and there he was! I ran and gave him a hug, i was shaking so bad! I didn't want to let go but his dinner was waiting for us so we went in and had dinner with his parents! the rest of the night was perfect lots of hugs, we held hands, watch a movie with his parents and yes I got a little peck! :) I didn't want to leave but I we are going on a date tonight so I get to see him again very soon!
I love that boy so much! He was so worth the wait! Girls it is hard, but what in life isn't? but aren't all things great in the end? I am so blessed to of met this amazing man! I have grown so much overthe past two years and if you asked me again I would say yes in a heart beat! Thank you girls for all the love and support you have given to me! this group is truely a blessing! I met some of my best friends because of this group! Keep working hard, enjoy your life away from your boy. GROW LEARN AND LOVE GOD!!!! You guys can do it!

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