Monday, June 11, 2012

Bri & Amanda

Ok children!!  Gather ‘round for story time!! :D

I guess the tradition is to start out with a background story!  SO!  Here I go…

I met Brian at a stake dance the summer of 2008.  We became such great friends over the next few months, and even though we were both dating other people, we felt a connection that was hard to explain.  We talked practically every day.  His family owns carwash that’s like a block away from my house, so after schools most days I would stop and talk to him while he was working!  We started dating in October that year.  It was on Halloween, and I went to the carwash before we both went to parties that night.  He was hugging me good bye, kissed my neck (so I kissed his neck back), then it happened!  THE MOST PERFECT FIRST KISS of my whole life!!  We were crazy about each other and shared many laughs, tears, milk shakes, and colds ;)  We had some problems with our families.  His parents thought I was holding him back and making it harder for him to leave on his mission.  My parents thought I would never make it two years and would Dear John him before the first year was up.  However, Brian and I KNEW we would make it to the end.  We always kept in mind that it might not work out when he got home, but I would still be available in case it does! 

First off I have to start this story of Amanda and Brian off with her first comment after meeting him for the FIRST time in TWO years!
It went something like this: He is perfect!! We are so in love! We don't kiss and tell though... At least not for tonight ;) the full detailed story will come soon :) but as for now, I have a boyfriend to dream about! :) :) :)

Now on to the story:

On June 2, 2010, Elder Brian Penrod entered the MTC.  Three weeks later he started his journey in the Dominican Republic, Santiago Mission!  He LOVED it there and had so many amazing experiences!  We sent emails to each other each week, and letters as often as possible!  There were a few hard times during the two years where things got rocky.  I wasn’t sure what would happen, but we pulled through.  We grew stronger together!  While he was away, I grew to be a strong, independent woman.  I dated a few guys and I’m so glad I did!  I learned what was really important to me and what I really wanted and needed in my future eternal companion.  I learned how to sew and cook (that boy wont be hungry when we get married haha.  I’m AMAZING at following recipes now!! LOL).  I lived for MYSELF and grew so much.  I focused on finishing up my degree and working to save up some money.  BUT the most important thing I did while he was away was develop a strong relationship with my Father in Heaven.  My testimony has grown, and I feel prepared for anything life has to offer.  Bring it on world haha!!

June 7, 2012 :D  He’s home!!!  I went on a church history tour with my parents and little brother for a week.  We visited a lot of sites in the eastern states (Winter Quarters, the John Johnson Farm, the Sacred Grove, Hill Cumorah, the Kirtland Temple, etc).  Experience of a lifetime!  I felt really bad that I would miss him coming home and his homecoming talk on Sunday, but I decided it would be good to be away and give him family time.  I was on the bus on Thursday, checking my phone literally every 10 seconds!!  Finally, there was a text from his mom, with a picture….!!!  I opened it, smiled, and then instantly burst into tears!  But they weren’t the cute model type tears.  They were the kind where your face gets all nasty and wrinkled and you can’t breathe so you sit there and sound like a pig gasping for air.  Yup!  Everyone thought I had gone mad haha.  We texted back and for a little bit (and I mean LITTLE) for a few days, and then finally talked on the phone on Sunday night.  I flew home on Monday (June 11), got all cute and smelling good, went to my night class, and then headed over to his house!  I walked in the door and saw him standing there and about died!  Our first meeting up story is a little different.  His family had just gotten into an argument right before I showed up, so things were a bit tense.  However, he was there and I was with him.  It made everything better!  We ate dinner and talked and laughed and messed around and flirted and it was just perfect!  Then we went to my house so he could talk to my dad.  They have always been pretty close, so we went to visit for a bit.  After that we went to the pond near my house and talked.  We talked about everything that had gone on over the last 24 months, and things we were looking forward too.  It was so natural to be with him!  Honestly, in that moment, I felt as if he had never left.  Um also… 3 hour club!! ;)  He’s still got it haha

Being in a foreign land for two years has done wonders for that man.  He definitely left a boy and came home a man.  There are so many things that have changed about him, and each of them I love!  He is so sweet and romantic :)  Oh my gosh, I can’t even tell you how amazing it is to have him home.  I never thought I would see the day that I would be writing our story, but it’s here!!  Someone once said this and I loved it so much that I’m going to repeat it.  He doesn’t complete me.  He complements me.  I wouldn’t change the last two years for anything.  We are better together now.  It’s going to be so great to go to bed not wanting to cry myself to sleep!!  We are still crazy, head over heals in love.  It is so worth it!  BEYOND worth it!!  I don’t know what the future has in store for us, but as of right now we are content and happy and excited to see where the wind takes us :)

Congrats to Amanda & Brian-we love you Amanda and can't wait to see what happens next ;)

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