Monday, December 17, 2012

Two Years Later and Sheilani's Man is HOME!

We had Miss Kendahl giving us these little updates the evening of his return...

I'm skyping with Shelani Sheilani Combe and she is waiting for the CALL!!!! He is home and getting released as we speak *literally* ahhhhhh

Sheilani Combe just got a call from him and is at his house now :) got get him girl ;)

Sheilani Combe got to see him and hear stories about his mission all night long! More details from her will be coming :)

Thanks for all of the little updates Kendahl! Then this week we heard the story from Sheilani!! We are so happy she was reunited with her missionary Jeremy at last! Congratulations Sheilani!! This is what she said...

He's Home. :) So happy. First part is the first day. Second part is the Homecoming. Sorry so long!

He came home at 2. His mom sent me pictures of the airport. I was dying. Haha. The next 6 hours couldn't come fast enough.
His mom told me he'd be released between 7 or 8. 7 came, 8 came, no call. Kendahl Heffron was a lifesaver and skyped me just as I was about to have a heart attack. Finally I decided to drive over there to a friends who lived 2 houses down and wait for the call. About 7 minutes away from his house, he called me. His first words, Spanish. Didn't understand a word. But then we talked a bit and I told him I would be there soon. I sat in the car when I got there for about 2 minutes breathing in and out because I was literally going crazy. I walked to the door slowly... you think I would have been running, but I just couldn't even move hardly. Anyway I rang the doorbell and heard the door opening. My heart was beating so fast. He st
epped out with a huge smile and that's when it happened. I just broke down, girls. haha. I just stood there for a moment and cried! Oh my gosh, good first impression after 2 years! haha. But the next thing I knew I was in his arms for what seemed forever, but not long enough. He was in tears and so was I. All the way down the stairs he had his arms around me. When we got down he sat so close that I just kept staring at him talking about his mission stories and thinking, "this isn't real. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and realize this is a sick dream haha" but it was real. And he was there. And he was beautiful! Oh my gosh I just wanted him to wrap me up and never ever let go... but I understand that wouldn't be possible.

Anyway his homecoming was today. He did SO AMAZING. When the crowds died down we sat down and he put his arm around me and we just talked. About everything. In the quiet he whispered he loved me and wanted to be with me. He asked me if I wanted to be with him to which I could only respond "Forever." He teared up and hugged me tight. He told me about his first week in the MTC when a speaker asked who all HAS girlfriends and then asked who all HAD a girlfriend. He said there were so many that had already been written off. But he said even with that and all the others who said he would receive a wedding announcement in the first 6 months, he just thought to himself "You don't know her like I do." And he pushed through. Awh I just love him so eternally much. I can't wait to see him again. It is all worth it girls. I know everyone says that, because it is true! Keep smiling and living your dream. He will return! It will all be okay :)

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