Saturday, June 11, 2011

Congrats to Tiffani & Nathan

Tiffani Sommers got her man back at the end of April after him serving our Lord from April 2009-April 2011
We are so happy that Tiffani is back with Nathan and the two of them are super happy together!
Here is their story :) Enjoy & congrats again to them!
          I'm sorry it has taken me so long to write my story!! It's been crazy! But better late than never right?! So my missionary, Nathan Johnson, got back on April 28th! So about a month and a half ago!! TIME IS FLYING BY SO FAST!!! But here is our story: (enjoy!)
So the history of Nathan and me: hmm… well we have grown up together and known each other since kindergarten. I remember in 4th grade when we raced on a math assignment and I won! But I failed the assignment and he got like a one hundred percent! Lol. But I first started crushing on Nathan in the 8th grade!  (Pretty young I know!) I remember thinking, “I could marry this boy!” haha.. I also remember thinking that I didn’t have a chance. He was such a little stinker to me!! He threw snowballs at me all of the time and would pick on me! (He says that was his way of “flirting” and that he was sorry he didn’t know how to flirt! Lol.. We were only 13!) When we were freshmen, we had many classes together and I always wanted to sit by him and talk to him, but he was very shy and would kind of turn his back to me L sad I know! Haha. But every once in a while he would talk to me, and that made all of my effort worth it! But in the middle of the year, Januarish, I decided I had enough chasing and not getting anything in return. So I “gave up” and moved on. Even though I never stopped liking him and “watching him from a distance”. We hung out in a large group of friends, my girlfriends would hang out and do things with his guyfriends, but we would never hang out. His friends would always tell my friends that he liked me a lot, and they would tell them that I liked him too. But we never actually did anything about it! Haha. These types of things happened my sophomore and junior year. Then the summer between my junior and senior year, I got a phone call from him! I was completely shocked! He called to see if I wanted to go four-wheeling, but I couldn’t go because we were going on a “stupid” (I felt at the time) family vacation that week! I told him I couldn’t and I was sorry. I thought for sure I had lost my “once-in-a-lifetime” chance of going on a date with Nathan. Well school started and him and I started “flirting” and talking more than we ever had before, and he asked me to homecoming!!!!!! (in such a cute way! If you wanna know just message me I suppose J) So we went to homecoming together and after that we hung out in our large group of friends every weekend after my volleyball games and his football games. Then on Halloween, about two months after homecoming, we held hands for the first time!! He was very slow moving, but I thought it was cute and he told me it was because he wanted to make sure that he really liked me! How cute! Anyway, then on Christmas Eve was the first time he told me he loved me. He was walking me to my door and we were giving each other a hug good-bye (a long one ;) and he was like, “I really like you Tiffani.” And I replied, teasingly, “Oh no you don’t!” and then there was a brief silence and then he said, “You’re right …*pause*… I love you.” I was in shock and all I could do was just pat him on the back. When I got in the house I realized I didn’t say it back! And I actually didn’t say it to him for a week or so just to make sure that I did love him, but I figured it out pretty quickly! Lol. Then in January was the first time we kissed! It was outside and barely sprinkling snow: perfect memory. We graduated from high school, and I had to go up to the spring semester at BYU-Idaho two weeks later. He didn’t start until the fall, so that month and a half of only seeing him once a week was so hard for me! (boy, I didn’t know anything then! Lol) Then we both came back in the fall and we weren’t separated a single day from that point on until his mission. He got his call on January 19, 2009 to the Illinois, Chicago North mission, and then he left on the 22nd of April. The last time I saw him was after his setting apart on the 21st though. Shaking hands good-bye and watching him pull away in the car with his family was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to face. Then the two-year roller coaster ride of happiness, patience, impatience, tears, letters, and growth started. Looking back, the months zoomed by! But while I was waiting they seemed to take forever, BUT! It isn’t forever :) and I can honestly tell you that mine and Nathan’s relationship and love has grown so much! A mission is the best thing that a young man can do for himself and his future. I also was able to grow and learn so much about myself, Nathan, and the gospel as he was away.
The Day he got home: He flew in at 12:09 in the afternoon! His flight was supposed to come in at 12:30, so good thing we were early!! Seeing him for the first time was so amazin!!! He looks the same but so much more grown up. The airport was awkward! haha.. but he went down the line and gave everyone a hug (including my partents) and then when he got to me it was a handshake :D it was cute though! Then after we left, I got to ride in the car with him to lunch at sizzler. By this time it was totally normal to be with him again. We just talked and glanced at each other. (smile). After lunch we went back to his house and waited until he got released. I just sat and talked with him and his family. Just still in shock that he was actually home!! (I still sort of am!) Then at 5:30 we went to his release. After he was released I got my hug!! oh man it felt soooooo good!! Then we went back to his house and I sat on his bed while he unpacked. Then when we were getting ready to leave, he gave me a nice "close" hug and then we kissed :D :D :D :D (24 hour club!). He took me home that night and ever since he's gotten home I have seen him every day. He is still the boy I fell in love with, except now he is a man and the mission made him so much more amazing. We are dating very seriously and hoping to be married by the end of this year!! :] 
 Ladies, waiting is SO WORTH IT! Don’t just sit around and wait the time out. Get up, get going, and make something of yourself during the time you wait! He is growing and so you should be too! Set goals and get them accomplished, and I promise you the time will fly by and you will wish there was more time to improve. I am so glad I waited and that I had you wonderful girls to help me along the way!

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