Sunday, May 8, 2011

Congrats to: Autumn and Brandon

This is a slightly different story as Autumn will explain, but we hope that you all can find peace and reassurance, as Autumn did, that everything happens for a reason even if it is not how you thought it would turn out.

This story is a bit different then what you girls are used to hearing. I promise. Brandon and I met 6 months after he returned home from his mission. Prior to this, I waited for someone. I waited for him for 14 months actually. I was Dear Janed, and I moved on. I didn’t dwell. I didn’t hope for things to go the way I wanted. I realized that things happen for a reason. Always. There’s never no reason for something to happen. In April of 2010, I was on my way to my first DNA class. I was sitting there thinking to myself, okay, I’m going to sit next to a cute boy. I have to. I walked in, and being how shy I am, I sat next to a girl. It was the first empty seat I saw. I didn’t want to make eye contact with anyone else in the class. Our professor said “Okay, tomorrow where you sit is going to be your group for the rest of the semester.  Two up front, two behind them is one group. So pick wisely.” I walked out giving myself a pep talk. “Sit next to a cute boy Autumn. C’mon. You can do it!” So the next class period, I fell back into my routine. I looked up to see that two rows in front of me was an empty seat and a SUPER cute guy. The professor came up and said “There’s five of you in this group. One of you, move!” We all looked at each other refusing to move. He looked at me and said, “Autumn, come sit up here next to Brandon.” “OH CRAP!” I thought to myself. I slid into the seat next to Brandon. For the next month, our conversations were awkward and short. He’d ask how I was, I’d say fine. That was it. I felt there was no way I’d ever get out of my shy zone and talk to this kid.
Middle of May rolled around and I was about to go up to Post Falls for an orthodontist appointment. This meant missing DNA class. An idea popped in my head. I would text Brandon and ask him to take notes for me. (I got his number at a group project meeting where I found out he was single and we got everyone’s number. How’d I find out he was single? I made a comment like, “Brandon, how’s the girlfriend?” He looked at me and goes “Girlfriend? Uhm, no.”) Anyways, I’d see if he carried on a conversation. If so, I could pursue. If not, then I’d move on. So I typed out the text. “Hey Brandon, It’s Autumn. I was just wondering if you could take notes for me on Friday. So good of notes that I could teach the class myself J” His response? “Of course. Anything else I can do for you?” I said “Take the test for me?” We talked for HOURS after that. I quickly gained his trust. With my past relationships, this was something that didn’t come easy at all. I came back, and he asked me to “hang out with him.” We went and played pool. That night, he stuttered as he asked me on a date. I was forced out the door both times because he “wasn’t my type.” The rest is history. We began dating on May 21, 2010. Engaged September 21, 2010. Married April 9, 2011. Bottom line here girls, is, sometimes things happen. I was waiting for Tyler at a time where I needed it. I had begun dating a guy who was VERY bad for me, and we had talked about getting married. I turned him down because I was waiting for Tyler. Waiting protected me from getting serious with guys that would have gotten into trouble. The missionary I waited for wasn’t right for me either. I’ve seen him since. He’s met my husband.  Weird thing is, I grew up a lot faster than he did even though he went on a mission. A lot of times, there are reasons for waiting that doesn’t always mean you’re going to marry that missionary. Even if your heart is dead set on it. Trust in the Lord. Things go as they should. Brandon WAS my missionary. I waited 19 years for him, and I wouldn’t take back all the terrible guys I dated because they led me to my husband. They showed me what I didn’t want in someone, and they taught me how to appreciate Brandon and the kind guy that he truly is. I dated guys that needed changing. I met Brandon and he “wasn’t my type.” He wasn’t my type because he was already what I was trying to get the other guys to become. Takes risks girls. Sometimes, it could be the best risk of your life.  I love you girls. I support the strength it takes. I’ve been there. It’s hard. Just know that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But there’s a reason for it all.
Congrats on your wedding Autumn! We wish you and Brandon all the happiness and joys that come with marriage!

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